Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Another sexual abuse story in the church...

Something really upsetting happened this week. A 67-year old retired Catholic deacon was turned in by Verizon for uploading child pornography to the digital Verizon storage cloud. He has admitted to watching/collecting this sort of material since the 1970s. Luckily, he says he never helped create the pornography and none of the kids involved appear to have been from his community. A link to the story is here.

Now, I'm not sure if there's a correlation to religious men and sexual abuse or if it's just the fact that offenses are publicized more if the perpetrators have religious power. What I am really curious about, though, is how these people stand before a congregation while preaching the morality and purity of their faith while all the while knowing that they violate the basic standards of human decency. It just seems like such an all-encompassing contradiction, and I don't know how someone would ever reconcile themselves to both sides.

I guess every group has a bad egg or two somewhere.

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