Monday, May 6, 2013

The Wedge Document

The Wedge Document is a very controversial piece of hushed-up Intelligent Design propaganda. It essentially outlines a social battle plan to defeat naturalism, materialism, and most of all, evolution. The ID network, which often tries to pass itself off as a science, threw a fit when the document was leaked online several years ago. The Document describes ways that the ID Network wants to infiltrate the American media and then spread theism and a belief in God throughout the Western world. The three main stages outlined in the document include: Scientific Research Writing & Publicity,
Publicity & Opinion-making, and Cultural Confrontation & Renewal. Essentially, the idea is to make figures from the ID Network popular and influential in popular opinion, and then use that influence to bring about a social renewal in Christianity. Ultimately, they want to destroy the public's faith in evolution among other things.

The Document was obviously removed from the internet some years ago by ID workers, but one of my professors had saved a cached version to present to her class. I'll link it here for you guys to read yourselves.

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